Friday, September 21, 2012

Teen Safety

Utilize a private investigator to confirm your suspicions that your child may be using drugs so that you can keep him/her safe and intervene and get him/her help.

The first line of defense today to help children combat the war on drugs are their parents. Today's parents are in the best position to see drug use in the family as well as to stop it. It is a hard process to overcome but there have been many families who have dedicated themselves with this serious problem. Through this dedication and persistence children and their family have fought the addiction battle and won.

The first step is to become familiar with the drugs out there today. This not only includes information on the drugs, what it looks like, side effects, terminology, lingo, and of course keep updated on information about new drugs out in your children's world.

Furthermore, if you want to be successful in warning your child about the dangers of drugs and alcohol then start early. The best way to do this is to talk to them about drugs at an early age. It has suggested that parents start as early as nine or ten to help them from using drugs in the future. This early start can give your child a fighting chance against peer pressure once he or she enters the junior high school. This little edge might assist your child in making a very important decision about using drugs.

There are also certain signs that may suggest that your child is using drugs. Several types of signs are present. These include physical or biological signs, physical evidence, and behavioral changes. Even though we will talk about these changes, don't be too quick to jump to jump to any conclusions. Many children experience peer pressure and normal adolescent changes that may not be caused by drug use. BE CAREFUL! Physical signs can be red and bloodshot in eyes, poor coordination, pupils dilate, insomnia, sleepiness, sweating, watery eyes, and loss of appetite.

Physical evidence is an obvious way to tell that your child may be involved in drug activity. Finding the drugs on your child, in his or her room, in their car suggest a drug problem.

Other sure tell sign include finding paraphernalia (rolling papers, pipes, empty alcohol bottles, soda cans, little baggies, lighters, vials, aluminum foil that has been lit, wearing sun glasses or having Visine bottles around, someone can have incense burning or a deodorizer to cover up the smoky smell, and numerous others) that belongs to your child. If you notice that money or valuable have begun to disappear this could also suggest that someone may have a drug problem in your home.

Lastly there are behavioral changes that may occur. Changes range from someone being more irritable, secretive, less motivated than usual, more forgetful, somewhat depressed, anger, spends less time involved with the family functions, and being less than open about talking to you about new friends in their lives. Other things to watch for include declining school grades and even a decline with a persons participation in activities that he or she liked before.

If you notice any changes in your child's behavior from any of the categories above it is your responsibility to find out if these changes are due to drug use. A good way to do this is to keep communication open with your children. Talk to them about not only drugs, but peer pressure, their problems, friends, sex, etc. If you have any suspicions that your loved one is involved with drugs, set then limits and boundaries with them. You need to be firm that their drug use needs to stop. If necessary call a professional for assistance.

Source: Exposure Response Prevention

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